In Red and Yellow class we have been very excited to meet our new friends. We have new children joining us from Blue and Green class as well as from home. We are learning the routines of our new class.  

Our topic this half term is ‘I’m Special’ so we will be learning lots about each other. We will be finding out what we all like to do and who is in our family. Please send a copy of your family photo to (office email) so that children can talk about who is special to them.

Our Core Story is ‘Owl Babies’. This story helps children to understand that mummy always comes back. We encourage children to talk about their feelings and we acknowledge and describe their feelings for them. For example, rather than saying “mummy’s coming soon” we might say “I can see that you’re sad because you have tears in your eyes. I’m here for you and we will play, have snack, tidy up, have group time then mummy will come back”. Being aware of your emotions is an important skill that will help children throughout life.

We will be starting library soon. You can change your child’s book when you arrive on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

We have started our football sessions on Fridays. Over the year every child will gain the opportunity to work with our coach Mark to develop confidence, listening and attention and physical skills.